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Character Traits and How it Helps

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Dear Reader,

If you are reading this to learn more about me you’ve come to the right place… In this very personal blog, you can learn something about me… plus a lot of thing that would surely help you with what you want to achieve in life. Afterall, the blog was created to help you. I truly wanted it to be that way because I believe knowledge is free and it is our responsibility to help the one that we care about with knowledge, unless you don’t want to… which then I will have nothing to say.

Today I wanted to talk about my  character traits, which have been shaping my life the way that it is. I think there are some of you out there would like to do something similar to me, so I wanted to provide more to you. I always dig deep with people I admire. I read everything about them and see how these shape their lives and learn from them.

That is called learning from osmosis.


Back to me.

Contrary to popular belief, I am a very very boring person. Growing up, while I was able to blend in, I have never been able to get what other people find funny. I am like very serious, stiff, and when people tell a joke or something, I do not really get them. Fun? I don’t get them at all. I like to do my own thing. I like to start projects and work on them. I have taught myself how to write computer programmes when I was wandering around on the internet. I used to love tweaking the old, home computer to boost its performance without spending any money. I also love to learn about new techs and absorb about them. I don’t think there are anyone in my school that is like me, so I don’t really show this side to them. From as long as I could remember, I am always working on some projects of my own, be it some animation making, web building, computer system optimsing, video shooting, mechanical building or whatever I thought is fun at that moment, outside of the typical school work. I guess I must not be alone, you probably do the same too!

School was not too challenging for me. I was never the best but I am alright. School work really never excited me, save as to political philosophies, which I really loved and enjoyed during my university years (I would love to further study more about it, maybe later in life). Other than that, I guess I put in “alright” effort in school and get “alright” results, maybe around the 25-percentile throughout my study life. Most of my time, energy and thoughts, I put into my side projects at that time. I love working on my own projects!!!

I was never into fun. I don’t like socialising at all. It is cool once in a while but that was never something I like. I think they are not interesting to me, and truthfully, these socialising things… I can’t learn anything from them! I don’t know what is so good about them. I like working and learning. I guess that’s why they think I am such a boring person. They are probably right, but because I don’t care about these… It is ok hahaha.

I guess the above are what build me. Oh, one more thing. Because of my sort of more “boring”, less social personality, generally, I don’t enjoy being around other people, unless they are like minded people. I like being on my own most of the time…