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Consistency & Long Term

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People overestimate the effect of one month’s effort but underestimate the effect of one year’s effort.

Good evening. It is Ryan here again, writing another little blog post about something that I recently learnt. And as always, when I came across something that I find valuable, I am going to write it out, give it to you and let you also benefit from it. Because in this world, I believe we have to get a little bit more selfless, a little bit more loving, and do a little bit more for one another. This would make the planet a better place.

But anyways. Back to today’s topic:

People overestimate the effect of one month’s effort but underestimate the effect of one year’s effort.

A lot of times we set goals and expect return in a month or so. Let’s just be honest we are all guilty of this. When we could not get what we want in a month or so, we gradually give up, stop trying, and “accept what it is”. Little do we know that if we stick to it, we could achieve not only this goal and so much more in a year. If we put on continuous effort, day in and day out, for one whole year, we will be a different man coming out from it. One year can change everything, but one month cannot. So let us all be more consistent in our effort, and focus on the long term.

Best regards,


P.S. In the image above is a book that I used to learned basics of programming, which has immensely changed the course of my life. (like accidentally got the highest attainable grade in HKDSE ICT exam… must have been an accident;)