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The Greatest Gift I’ve Got from my Parents (You can give this to yourself)

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Image: Vida Rica Bar in Mandarin Oriental, Macau. One of my favourite places.

Recently I have been in the mood to write blog posts like this, probably partly due to the book that I have been reading – Die with Zero by Bill Perkins.

Crazy person. Controversial book. But it is one of the best books I have read. Gosh! I have read so many good books recently! It seems like I am on a “good book streak” recently, one good book after another, going for months.

Anyways, let’s get back to today’s topic: the greatest gift I have got from my parents.

No, it is not materialistic things. Materialistic goods come and go. They do not really stay. One after another. They come and they go. That is just the way they are, like water will flow from high places to lower points.

The greatest gift I have ever got from them, is the genuine interest in learning.

The genuine interest in learning.

Let me explain.

Growing up, my parents have provided me with a lot of books. Not very difficult books but books that are fun and also educational. I developed a habit to learn things from the books and have been gradually shaped to be a keen learner.

Now fast forward 10-20 years later, I just love learning. When I need a solution, I will find my way to it. This is truly the greatest gift I have ever received from them. There are way too many things out there, you can’t solve all of them yourself. So it is very important to build on what someone else discovered. Learn from what they have built and build upon that. To do that, you have to teach yourself a lot of things, and the most fundamental skill is to have a genuine interest in learning.

I am so grateful to have parents like them to instil this wisdom into me at a young age.
