I completed the book After Steve by Tripp Mickle last summer and that book has led me to another book called Samsung Rising by Geoffrey Cain. I was a bit busy back then so I did not take the time out and write out a piece on it.
Both books completely different but both are great. If you have the time and you love the idea of creating products, design philosophies, or if you are a tech nerd like me, you probably would enjoy these two books.
In the book Samsung Rising, they talked about the definition of good design, it goes like this: Think a banana. A good design is exactly like a banana. The peel protects the banana while doubling as a natural indicator for how ripe it is. The colour changes as the banana ripen. Plus, this peel is also biodegradable, so you can just pick the banana from the tree, peel it off, eat it, and throw the peel on the soil and it will serve as nutrition for the tree.
Kinda genius, isn’t it?
I will leave you at that. Gotta sleep now. Take care.